Wednesday, March 16, 2011

11 Months!

What River is up to this Month?

-Now has a total of 7 teeth! With 1 more that is trying to make an appearance soon!
- Not walking but oh so close! Standing without holding on to anything until he notices it!
- Loving his cheerios still but has found a new love in chicken nuggets this week!
-Taking 3-4 bottles a day most of the time but still doesn't like them!
- Very vocal and talkative and starting to repeat things that we say!
- Cutest thing: if you ask him wear the owl is, he makes a "who" sound like an owl!
- Jackson is still his best friend! He recently starting feeding him his food this week and by feeding I mean acting like he is going to give him the food and then eating it himself! He thinks it's hilarious!!
-Going to Gymboree Play and Learn class and loving it!
-Starting to push the boundaries a little just to see what he can get away with!

Only a few more weeks and he will be ONE!! My how time flies! We are definitely in full on party planning mode right now!

11th Month in Pictures!

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