Saturday, August 14, 2010

Are They Serious?!?!

As I was doing my daily celeb stalking yesterday I ran across an article on that really caught my eye.  It was titled "Celebs Reveal Their Mommy Must-Haves" so of course I had to read.  However, I must say that I am not impressed with this list!  I know they have more must-haves than what was mentioned in the article.

While their main must-have was "help" caring for their children, some of the others were just a little off to me.  Not to say that they aren't good choices but seriously listen to some of these.  Kelly Rutherford says her must have is "non-toxic, natural cleaning products.", really is this the best that you could come up with?? While I realize that this is very important, was there nothing else that she absolutely couldn't live without besides cleaning products? On to Julianne Moore who said her must have was snacks for her kids when they are out and about because she never knows when they will be hungry and that hunger strikes fast.  Well HELLO, but is that not just common sense when you have young children?

And please, Jill Zarin, your daughter is 17 and you say that a first aid kit is your must-have?  I see how this could come in handy but if your daughter is 17, don't you think she can pretty much take care of herself without mommy? 

I partly put the blame on US for the misleading title of the article because it definitely didn't seem like must-haves at all to me.  I'm not even a mommy yet but I can come up with like 10 things off the top of my head that are must haves! Maybe must-haves are just different for celebs, who knows!

Which leads me to post that I am very excited about...Callie will be doing a post sometime this week on the items that she couldn't live without when River was a newborn so stay tuned!  Sorry for all of the ranting but I seriously thought this article was quite comical so I thought I would share my opinion! And just because it is too precious not to post...

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