Saturday, May 8, 2010

1 Month

Since I am doing this blog for somewhat of a scrapbook for River, I have decided to do monthly pictures and updates.  I have seen this done on other blogs that I follow and I really think it is a great idea! 

What River is up to this month!
- Weighs 11 lbs. now!
- Has started sleeping for approx. 4 hr stretches at night...which is good for Mom and Dad!
- Takes 4 oz bottles about every 3 hours.
- Is absolutely mesmerized by fans and shadows.
- Starting to become more alert and notice his surroundings.
- Just started smiling in response to things that we do.  Absolute cutest thing ever!
- Loves to be outside already!
1st Month in Pictures!


  1. Found your blog while out blog hoppin'! Too cute, became a follower! :)

  2. Absolutely adorable! I will squeeze and kiss him soon! This time he will have a sursi! :)
